On top of Tikal temple IV at sunset on Valentines day 2009. Better than our average V-Day date. The Starwars rebel base is in the background.
Suz in a tunnel into the G-group of ruins at Tikal. This tunnel went about 20 feet then turned 90 degrees and went another 30 feet into a sweet courtyard.
Us at Temple I. The first excavated. The park is about 220 square miles of rainforest. The city took in about 7 sq miles. We walked and hiked 10 miles around the city on Valentines day.
This guy looked like me 5 years ago when he moved to Belize.
The acropolis steps in the main Tikal courtyard.
Awe!! This is why you go to there. As they say, "you better Belize it".
Nice place for a book.
Public taxi.
Second biggest barrier reef in the world.